Wednesday, March 19, 2008

mama bought a new lens

and I am in LOVE. I bought myself a little special treat. My camera was a tad bit lonely with only one lens so I purchased a new lens for a friend. Now, I'm in need of a shootsac to carry my camera gear. Here's just a few photos:

Sophia was all over the action as I was setting up today for a photoshoot.

This little man is going to stop all the girls in his tracks with his handsome looks (more pictures to come on my photography blog). Sophia showing off her cheeks - a full frontal.

Saylor Lillie and her love for the camera.

And my favorite thus far...a profile of Sophia - look close - blowing a bubble. Now that is detail.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Love the pics...great quality...I want a new camera!!!!! I just don't know what kind to get.