Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Happy St. Paddy's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Saylor and Sophia were little troopers this weekend as they withstood the freezing temperatures during the St. Paddy's day parade. Sophia started to fade early so Josh and I went and found warmth at Planet Sub (imagine that). My mom said Saylor would not leave until the last float (or yet another random political car) drove by.

The kids also participated in an Easter Egg Hunt prior to the parade. I did not witness, but Saylor found the golden egg and won a fabulous prize. I guess you can say, my three year old is tougher than I since it was TOO COLD for me to run in the 10K race.


julie said...

We decided it was too cold for Megan to walk with the girl scouts in the parade. She figured this out last night, oh the crying. Whatever, she is wimpier than you, Jen, I didn't want to listen to her whine the entire parade route. Texas girls with their thin Texas blood, can't handle the cold. Planet Sub is sounding good!

julie said...

Jen- you are tagged! go to my blog for details!