Wednesday, February 27, 2008

what a bribe can do

I signed up for a "tiny dancer" photo session at Reflections Photography. I wanted to a) scout out the competition and their equipment (not that I am nor want to be at the level) b) hope that someone else could capture a picture that I have yet to accomplish with my 3 yr old and c) you know me, I'm a sucker for any picture of my kids. I guess I should have known immediately that it was not going to go well when Saylor was crawling around on the floor imitating a snake in her ballerina leotard and tutu. ANYWAY, prior to, I bribed Saylor Lillie with a "if you're a good girl and smile, we'll buy you that sucker you've been eyeing at the candy store." Unfortunately, as you can see, she obtained the prize but not because of ear to ear smiles. Really, is it that hard to smile?

The silver lining...I held my own photo shoot at home and this is what I came up with. So much more her personality than a ballerina outfit. I guess I'll hold out for Sophia to be a little princess.

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