Thursday, February 7, 2008

need, need, need

My dad always said there is a difference between wants and needs. I guess, let me preface by saying I want and need for Josh to progress and head home. Not only for health reasons but also because the past two weeks have been a spinning vortex of ups and downs and I need normalcy back. Anyway, I want a constant flowing IV of Dr. Pepper. I need water, food and exercise. Josh wants to go running, sledding with the kids and someone to stick a needle in his belly to relieve the overwhelming amount of pressure. He needs to void a large amount of fluid as he has gained 15 lbs since Monday (that’s right, since his surgery late Monday afternoon the man who has consumed only 3 oz. of Jelly and a handful of Cran Apple juices has gained weight).

Thankfully, my other need was fulfilled today by Palmgren - McDonald's was good to me! I'm counting down the days until we can gather as a family and enjoy a relaxing, joyful dinner together at McDonalds.

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