Wednesday, October 15, 2008

potty time

At the time, I was not aware that Saylor Lillie was very ahead in the potty game. My mom mentioned to me following her 18 month appt. that that was the age I had potty trained. So, one day, around 19 months, I sat her up on the porcelain and potty she went. Really, it was that easy. She wore pull-ups for about a month with only one or two accidents so off to panties we went. Now, fast forward 26 months later...Sophia is now 19 months and neither of us are ready! She's not as vocal as her sister and I'm not prepared. I can recall one downfall of an early potty trainer - I had to get her out of bed immediately so we remained accident free. Anyway, Sunday afternoon Saylor took a potty break and Sophia threw a fit because she wanted a turn. With my "what the heck" attitude, I put her on the potty and POTTY she went. I could not believe it - and honestly, I think she was just as surprised. :) She took my hand again today and went potty again. She's so funny. My little miss independent.


Taira said...

Okay,that is soooo not NORMAL!!! I am only saying this because I am convinced that Jack WILL be the 1st kid going to kindergarten in diapers.......

Jessie said...

19 months?! I still have a three year old that poops his pants!

Sharyl said...

Taira, bad news. You might be correct on your observation. Boys are no fun to potty train, just ask me about Mitch someday.