Sunday, October 19, 2008

I love McDonalds

I had it for lunch today. I had it for lunch yesterday. I had it for lunch on Thursday. That's my weekly ritual, so what more appropriate than to be Ronald for halloween. The only problem, finding a Ronald costume. Thus, I got crafty...

One Large White Sag t-shirt - $3
One pair of white carpi's - Clearance $3
Yellow dye - $2
Red zipper - $1
One pair of white gloves - $1
Red ribbon - $.43
McDonald's material - $10 (splurge here)
kid tights - $6
Red wig - $8
Face Paint - $1
Red Clown shoes - $6 (and let's face it, the shoes made the outfit)

One night as Ronald McDonald - PRICELESS!!!!!


Lindsay said...

You seriously MADE that? I am WAY impressed! I thought it was just the beer talking when you told me that Sat. night :)

Unknown said...

Ask Curtis about his Golden arch experience, Im lovin it!

Jessie said...

I love it, Jen! Now I need to hear how you came up with Hamburglar!

Anonymous said...

Jen - The outfits are great!!! You are soooooooo cleever!