Saturday, June 19, 2010

3 down

Tuesday afternoon Sophia awoke from her afternoon nap with a little "sleepy" in her eye. Unfortunately, it turned into the continual stream and was ruled as pink eye. Wednesday, Saylor started complaining of a sore throat and started running a fever - throat culture negative. Headed to Target with all three later on that day to pick up eye drops. Sophia's eye cleared, Saylor's fever went down and we thought we were back on track. YESTERDAY, Sophia's other eye started with symptoms, Saylor complained about her ear. Last night, Saylor diagnosed with an ear infection. Head to Target AGAIN for amoxicillin. THEN, this morning, this is what I awake to... So much for good handing washing practices. We've gone through an entire container of soap in two days but it doesn't seem to matter because everytime I turn around, clean hands or not, this is what I find:


Jennifer Walker said...

I know Target is great and all, but it might be time to switch to Walgreen's for the drive-thru!:) Hope everyone is better soon!

clementskids said...

It's all worth it, right!? Beautiful pic of Sophia kssing her baby sister!

Jenny said...

Welcome to having 3 kids!! Give it 3 years and everyone will be healthy again!!