Thursday, May 6, 2010


Everyday, Sophia looks up at me with a pleading look and asks, "mommy, when dat baby going to come out?" Well, I'm happy to say that hopefully it's later rather than sooner since I'm sitting at a 0 dilation. This is the first out of three pregnancy's that I'm hoping goes to term. Too much to get do before the end of May.


julie said...

I can't imagine why you don't want to tackle a busy month while feeding a newborn 24/7. Did you perchance witness the Keenan circus at any number of events lately? I think the dress rehearsal incident alone convinced people to double up on birth control. We are excited to meet the new little one, but no rush... take your time.

Robben Family 5 said...

Beautiful pic...beautiful girl. Hope you are doing well.