Tuesday, November 6, 2012

labor of love

Josh loves working outside and now has a total crew of 4.  Not sure the girls were dressed in the best outdoor raking clothing but I guess it didn't stop them.  Also, S3 is a new fan of Piper the dog.  She's always been deathly afraid of dogs but had REALLY enjoyed them from afar.  Piper is her new infatuation...begging to take her on walks, feed her and give her any kind of attention!  Great daddy, daughter and dog time.

afternoon read

I caught S1 up in the tree reading this week's favorite book.  It was an amazing day outside but don't think the tree looked the most comfy...

80's day at school

instead of dressing up for halloween the school hosted a "spirit day" 80's themed.  The bigs both rocked it with articles from their own closest and mine.  Stella settled for the pumpkin shirt and skirt I made S1 6 years ago.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


I am loving all of the one on one time spent with my babe these last few weeks!  One of her favorite activities is jumping.  Good thing we still have the trampoline I received for my 16th birthday.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Sunday, September 16, 2012


our trio bubble bath time is limited so when it does happen we cherish it.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

soccer smash

my shinning star soccer player had her second game of the season today.  she rocked it!  scored some goals
and had a blast.

Friday, September 14, 2012

I'm not making any promises...

but I think I'm back...

so let the celebration begin.