Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I'm a little backwards in my baby preparation. Instead of making meals for the freezer, planning ahead and filling my children's bellies with ample nutritious foods, I'm opting for donuts for breakfast and McDonald's for lunch. Not the healthiest of choices but they aren't complaining.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

the fingernail

Went to a drive thru this morning for a little caffeine fix. Devoured my vanilla diet dr. pepper and was crunching the ice when I felt a foreign object in my mouth. Ended up being this fingernail. How nice of them to share - the employee but be on prenatals because WOW, the length is very impressive. Don't you agree?

Really, how does this happen?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Down to days

I can't believe I just surpassed the "teens" and now I'm almost down to two hands when it comes to the countdown. Only 12 days until the due date and SO much to do! One of the things on the list is to take at least one belly pic. This picture was taken a few weeks ago at the K-State auction. I was laughing so hard at the boys reaction when I told them to palm the basketball. :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Our dear Mara

Oh how we will miss our sweet loving Mara!
Our babysitter for the past 4 years graduated and moved to Kansas City last week. Our entire house is heartbroken. Saylor broke down in tears, I cried and Sophia just asked for candy. I'm not sure how we are ever going to replace someone that is irreplaceable. We LOVE you Mara!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Sophia's last day

Sophia had her last day of "preschool" (actually it's just her once of week morning out but we call it preschool) on Wednesday.

I thought I'd remind you first of her excitement last September when she started with a thumbs up:

and then on Wednesday before we left for her very last day:really?

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Everyday, Sophia looks up at me with a pleading look and asks, "mommy, when dat baby going to come out?" Well, I'm happy to say that hopefully it's later rather than sooner since I'm sitting at a 0 dilation. This is the first out of three pregnancy's that I'm hoping goes to term. Too much to get do before the end of May.